
10 Ways to Add More Flavor & Nutrients to Your Juice

Enhance your juice

There comes a point in every juicing fanatic’s life when apples, oranges and carrots are just not enough.  It’s at this point that juicers begin branching out to other fruits, vegetables and even herbs to add more depth to their juices’ flavors.  Fortunately, the world is filled with tastes to tempt the palate and keep the body aligned.

If you’re in search of new juicing opportunities, look no further than the following items to add zing and charisma to your diet:

1. Ginger
Remember the delight of munching on a gingerbread cookie?  It turns out that ginger is actually wonderful for you in any variation, although juices have the benefit of no added sugar, refined flour or salt.  Turn up the “zip” in your juice with ginger, especially if your stomach has been feeling a bit on the sour side.  To add fizz and a “ginger ale” sense, make a homemade Green Ginger-Ale Juice.

2. Kale
Once just another green veggie, kale has taken center stage as a really awesome superfood.  Chock full of vitamins and minerals, kale is claimed to be able to ward off colds and heal the body from the inside out. There are tons of green juices with kale, and you don’t even know it’s in there!

3. Beets
Not only will beets turn your juice a pretty red color, but they’ll also provide you with vitamin K and a dose of natural energy in the form of sugar.  It’s best to use beet greens as well as the beets themselves for the maximum benefit. They’re also an excellent choice for improving your workouts. If you’re active, try drinking a Heartbreak Hill Juice before you go for that run, and see if you last longer.

4. Starfruit
Haven’t tried starfruit in your juicer yet?  You don’t know what you’re missing!  This wonderful little fruit – technically known as carambola – hails from the Pacific and is a treat unto itself.  It has a very light flavor and lots of moisture to help you stay hydrated.

5. Mint
Like ginger, mint is soothing on the stomach, but it’s also an incredible pick-me-up.  Just a bit of mint added to any juice, like this Mint to Be Green recipe, will enhance the taste of the juice.  Plus, mint keeps breath smelling great, which is a boost if you’re a juicer who doesn’t want “berry breath” to haunt you all morning long!

6. Mango
The mango is a delicious fruit in any form, including juiced.  It’s rich, complex and perfectly sweet to add flavor to any juice.  It’s super high in vitamin C, too, so it assists your insides in fighting off all those yucky things that can make you feel bad. Ciao Bella is a delicious juice if you’re wanting to experiment with mangoes.

7. Cinnamon
You can improve the way your juice tastes simply by adding some cinnamon?  This versatile ingredient will add a little heat and sweetness to any drink.  Some people even like to mix it with carrot juice and almond milk for a “carrot cake” style of juice or smoothie. Spices in general are a great addition to your juice, especially when you’re on a Reboot and your taste buds want that extra kick of flavor.

8. Horseradish Root
Believe it or not, horseradish can be added to your savory juice to give it a subtle – if used sparingly – tang.  Mixed with tomato-based juices, horseradish can mimic an alcohol-free “Bloody Mary.”  Horseradish has antibacterial properties, so drink up!

9. Lemons
Lemons are one the most commonly juiced fruits at Reboot. They add a little tang and lots of nutrients. Lemons provide vitamin C, which is always a plus, and are known to aid symptoms of constipation, and help with weight loss, kidney stones and poor liver function.

10. Fennel
Finally, we come to fennel.  If you haven’t had this vegetable before, be forewarned: it tastes a lot like licorice, and a little goes a long way.  Add a chunk of it to your juice to see how much is “just right” for your taste buds.  Fennel has been shown to positively treat problems associated with the eyes and the intestinal tract, so don’t shy away from this earthy vegetable! You’ll think it’s Fenne-tastic.

There really is no limit to the different ingredients that can add to your juicing routine.  Each week, make a point to pick out a new item in your grocery or farmer’s market to try.  Who knows?  You may uncover the secret to even better juice!