9 Ways to Make the Best of Your Juice Pulp

It’s a common question for those of us who love juicing fruits and vegetables: “What can I do with the pulp that is leftover after I juice my produce?” Good news is there are plenty of ideas to inspire you to start using the pulp so it doesn’t go to waste.




1. In the mood for something warm? Add it to your next soup recipe or make your own veggie broth.

2. Add to your favorite vegetarian burger recipe. It adds flavor, texture, moisture and nutrition.

3. Use pulp from homemade cinnamon hazelnut milk to make Raw Cinnamon Rolls!

4. Add it to your next smoothie recipe to add in additional fiber. You’ll be surprised how you won’t be able to taste it!

5. Add pulp to add nutrients to delicious muffins.

6. Compost your pulp and add it to your garden.

7. Make an Italian favorite into a nutrient rich dish by using pulp to make vegetarian Spaghetti & Meatballs

8. If you don’t have time to use the pulp immediately, you can place it in resealable bags and freeze it until you are ready. While some of the nutritional value may be lost when freezing, most of the fiber will remain.

9. Feed it to your furry friends! Add a little leftover kale pulp to your dog’s food bowl, they will scarf it down. You can also make dog treats.

Is your pulp too wet? It may be time for a new juicer! Be sure to check out our Juicer Buying Guide for the best tips on selecting your new machine.