10 Ways to Eat More Berries (Plus Recipes)

Is this summer’s hot and humid days leaving you sluggish and tired?  Why not cool off and re-energize by adding refreshing berries to your daily grind for a morning burst, an afternoon pick me up, or a delightful dessert? These little bundles are packed chock full of immune supporting phytonutrients and antioxidants that will lift you up.  Get creative with your powerhouse treats that are bursting in color and flavor this time of the year:

1.) Breakfast add-on’s: Don’t leave your breakfast grains, oatmeal, and Sunday brunch alone in the dust.  Get in extra fiber and berry sweetness with our Nut Berry Breakfast Quinoa or Teff Oatmeal with Almonds and Blueberries.

2.) Berry Cubes: Try Reboot’s Red White & Blueberry Ice Cubes to cool down in the heat.  With the naturally sweetened flavor, it is an easy way to make water seem more appealing while adding eye appeal for anyone from your kids to the next cocktail party!

3.) Smoothies and Juices: Use your local strawberries and blueberries in our Green Strawberry or Starry Night Delight, to sip on the way to work or to combat your next afternoon slump.

4.) Post Workout shakes: Maximize weight-training results with a post-workout shake.  Try our Mixed Berry Maca Protein Shake to provide easily absorbed protein paired with high quality antioxidants to help reach your training and fitness goals.

5.) Fruit Parfaits: Skip the artificial sugar-sweetened yogurt and sweeten plain organic yogurt with fresh berries instead.  Add crunchy granola for added fiber and a sprinkle of cinnamon for heart saving benefits.

6.) Salads:  Add fresh color and sweetness to arugula, spinach, or mixed greens for a colorful summer salad.

7.) Sorbet: For a great alternative to the classic ice cream cone from the corner store, use your leftover Macadamia Raspberry Smoothie and let freeze for a late night treat!

8.) Summer Desserts:Swap sugar bombs at the next party by bringing our Smart Sweet: Summer Fruit Bake. The variety of colors and fresh summer fruits and berries bring a naturally sweet and tasty treat to the table.

9.) Homemade Fruit Spread: Homemade fruit spread can be made my adding your berries into a food processor or blending with a dash of pure maple syrup.

10.) Baking: Add berries to any of the Reboot friendly Fruit Bakes in place of the recommended fruit!