
Angela V. Laces Up Her Running Shoes after a 10 Day Reboot

Name:  Angela V.
Age:  37
Location:  San Francisco, CA
Reboot:  10 days of juice only
Health Improvements: Lost 75 lbs and lowered blood pressure to a healthy level

How did you learn about Reboot Your Life?
I have a very good friend and mentor named Shane Whaley, who was featured on this site a few weeks ago. I watched Shane transform before my very eyes. He started juicing, lost 70 lbs and began running half marathons. We watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead together. The film moved me and inspired me to dust off my juicer and start juicing again. Shortly after that, Shane found the Reboot site and referred me to it as a resource.

What inspired you to do a Reboot?
There wasn’t one event that inspired me, it was a series of happenings that led me to take the first steps toward health. Each new step led to another and so on. It’s funny how things unfold in life when one starts to pay attention. I had a wake up call from my doctor, she let me know I had high blood pressure and if I didn’t lose weight I’d have to go on medication to manage it. I thought about family members who have struggled with weight, take loads of medications and have had serious health consequences as a result. I didn’t want that to be me. Not long after I got the news from my doctor I met Shane. He shared with me his story and I even started reading his blog RunningOnJuice.com. It took me a year before I was ready mentally to do a proper Reboot. I set the goal to lose 50lbs and I was to start with a 10 day Reboot breaking the fast on my birthday. I thought it was the perfect birthday gift to me and one that might actually extend my life. I think I was right.

How did the experience go for you?
The experience was life changing. I’d done juice fasts in the past but I’d always gone away to a spa or resort. I thought it was impossible for me to do a juice fast in my own environment whilst working my day job. I reached out for support and set myself up for success.

Did you have any notable health or physical improvements?
My blood pressure went down to a healthy level and my skin became clearer. I noticed a huge surge in energy. I actually started to crave exercise. First I started swimming and then I did something I never, ever thought I’d do…I started running! When I started I could barely run two minutes but in about 10 weeks I was up to running 3 miles without stopping! I just kept slowly increasing my distance until I was up to running 6 miles. Then things got serious, I signed up for a half marathon, which for those aren’t sure is 13.1 miles.  I recently finished my second half-marathon and so far I’ve lost 75 lbs!

What was the toughest part about the Reboot experience?
The toughest part of the Reboot experience was trying to be social while fasting. It really made me aware of how much of my social life revolves around food. I went to dinner with people and didn’t eat. I discovered something unexpected, they were much more uncomfortable with me not eating than I was.

What habits have you maintained and kept a part of your everyday life?
I continue to juice almost daily and make an effort to eat at least 51% fresh fruits and veggies.

What is your lasting impression of the Reboot experience?
The 10-day Reboot gave me the fresh start and foundation to build a healthy new future for myself. It may have been the most loving thing I’ve ever done just for me. Since the Reboot I’ve lost 5 sizes, 75 lbs and have successfully run 2 half-marathons. I was so grateful for the mentoring and support I had a long the way, it really made all the difference. I have even teamed up with Shane and started writing my own experiences on RunningOnJuice.com and helping to inspire others on our podcast at Juicing Radio Podcast! I’ve now had the opportunity to mentor others the way I was helped along. My life has changed and now what only a year ago seemed impossible has become possible! My life has truly been rebooted! Woohoo!