In the Reboot Kitchen: Apple Mojito

This is a virgin mocktail without the added sugar and alcohol and it’s a lovely holiday drink to enjoy for Easter! Apples are lovely for many months of the year and the green ones are looking divine.

Mint is an excellent digestive and carminative, it has been shown to reduce IBS symptoms, improved digestion, reduce nausea, improve asthma symptoms and it can help a chesty cough. One of my favorite peppermint oil remedies for a headache is a few dabs around the base of your skull and on your temples, often works very quickly and effectively.


  • 4 green apples
  • 2 large limes
  • Large handful of mint
  • Dash of sparkling mineral water (if desired)


  1. Wash all produce well.
  2. Peel lime (optional).
  3. Juice & garnish with extra lime, mint and add the dash of mineral water if desired.

Servings: 1

Serving Size: 16 - 18 oz (500 ml)


  • Green apple – other varieties of apple, pear, cucumber
  • Lime – grapefruit, lemon, orange, mandarin
  • Mint – spearmint