By Joe Cross
I’m back in the States ready to get to work and begin the launch of my next book, Reboot with Joe: Fully Charged. This is the first time I’m answering your Ask Joe Anything questions in the US and I’m happy to say that it’s beautiful here too, just like it was back home in Australia. For this week’s questions and answers, watch my video or read the transcribed answers — whatever suits you! If you’ve missed the previous Ask Joe Anything series, you can check out the questions I’ve already tackled in the past five weeks.
When you’re on the run and you need to grab a juice from a store, we recommend any juices that have been cold-pressed and HPP’d — that means no heat has been applied to the product at all. A great example of this is Evolution Fresh, founded by a mate of mine, Jimmy Rosenberg who sold it to Starbucks. Howard Schultz at Starbucks thought it was a great idea to bring fresh produce in liquid form to his stores and so Evolution Fresh is now a Starbucks brand and the integrity of that juice is fantastic. Other brands are Suja, Blueprint and there are now a myriad of other brands on the market that are HPP which stands for High Pressure Processing — no heat, all done under maximum pressure and the temperature of juices are kept at a very low temperature — below 10 degrees C and Evolution Fresh’s point of view is to keep it below 40 degrees F the whole way through.
When it comes to Naked and Odwalla, if you have to and that’s all the choice you’ve got. then its okay. We don’t necessarily say they are bad for you but they are not as nutrient dense as others. When you get down to the canned juice, well I figure that’s just like water and reconstituted flavoring which is like sugar so best not to go that route. That’s more like soda.
Bottom line, is that if you’re an athlete and don’t want to lose muscle, then adding that in will help. Personally, I wasn’t too worried. The good news is when you finish your Reboot and start to eat lots of healthy plant-based proteins be it nuts, beans, seeds, legumes, etc. and you start working out and moving like the body should then you will maintain that muscle.
Not sure what Ask Joe Anything is? It’s a weekly series where I post a video to answer your questions. They can be about juicing, Rebooting, eating plants, my personal life, anything! You can submit either by leaving your question in the comments below or including the #AskJoeAnything tag on my Facebook, Twitter (@JoeTheJuicer or @RebootWithJoe) or my Instagram account @JoeTheJuicer.
Signing off from the beautiful northwest here in Seattle. Stay tuned for lots of exciting news coming up in the next few weeks by signing up for our newsletter.