Big New Year Reboot Schedule


G’day Rebooters!

Your 3-Day Guided Reboot starts January 6th, 2014! I am thrilled to embark on this Reboot journey with you.  You will find that with the daily guidance and encouragement from me, the Reboot team and your fellow Rebooters, Rebooting can be a fun, simple, and successful journey towards achieving health!

You will receive daily tips and motivation from me and other members from my team, including Dr. Russ Kennedy, PsyD, and Radan Sturm, creator of the Reboot Movement Method. From the group page you’ll be able to receive advice and support from other Rebooters.

You will also have access to our Guided Reboot coaches through the Big New Year’s Reboot Coach Forum, which will be available to you starting January 6th on the discussions page.

Before getting started, please be sure to mark the following dates on your calendar so you don’t miss any important information:

1.)    Sunday, December 29th: You will receive a group message from me introducing our Big New Year’s Reboot coaches

2.)    Monday, December 30th: Start transitioning in! You will receive Day 1 of the 7-Day transition in plan in a group message, and will receive days 2 – 7 during the rest of the week.  These daily transition tips will guide you on how to slowly eliminate processed, animal, and non-plant-based foods from your diet so you are ready to start juicing on January 6th!

3.)    Wednesday, January 1st: You will receive the January 2014 E-mag.  This includes the 3-Day menu plan, shopping lists and recipes you will be following.

4.)    Monday, January 6th: Your Reboot begins! It’s Day 1 of our 3-Day Guided Reboot!

I’m looking forward to our Big New Year’s Reboot, and I hope you are too!

Juice On!