Seasonal: Spaghetti Squash with Avocado “Cream” & Cashew “Cheeze” Sauce
This is a healthy and satisfying take on your typical "pasta" but is loaded with nutrients, healthy fats, and fiber.
Meatless Monday: Trail Mix Oatmeal
Yes, your mom was right, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Start your day off right with this hearty, healthy breakfast.
Meatless Monday: Lentil and Butternut Squash Curry
Easily cooked in a large stovetop pot or in a slow cooker, this is a nice warming meal with plenty of high anti-oxidant spices.
Seasonal: Stuffed Winter Pumpkin
Cook up some pumpkin with this cozy meal that is easy to make and is loaded with heart-healthy, and immune-boosting nutrients.
Seasonal: Tomato-Basil Spaghetti Squash
Skip the pasta and choose Spaghetti Squash instead. This Tomato-Basil Spaghetti Squash dish will have you fill up without filling out.
Meatless Monday: Lentil & Quinoa Stuffed Acorn Squash
This hearty meal is full of satisfying flavors and substance to warm you up on a chilly night.
Seasonal: Winter Vegetable Stuffed Peppers
These flavorful stuffed peppers are easy to make and are a great way to incorporate seasonal vegetables into your meal.
Fork-Smashed Purple Potatoes with Rosemary & Lime
Power to the purple potatoes! Consider these antioxidant gems as a side for your next dinner.