Champion Your Challenge


Deciding to do a Reboot is like taking on a delicious challenge. And like any good challenge, sticking with the goal is rarely easy and (gulp) not even always “fun.” But from the moment we take our first steps to the moment we cross the finish line we know we are doing our body, mind, and (dare I say it?) soul a monumental service.


The most difficult step is almost always the first one we make. So what’s the best way to set ourselves up for Reboot success?


Have a Measurable Goal. This could be a number of days, target weight, quantity of juices, etc. The key ingredient for success is that the goal can be quantified.


Know your WHY. This could also be called setting your intention for the challenge. Why do you want to do the Reboot in the first place? The more specifically and honestly you can answer WHY, the easier it will be to stay focused.


Create a Deadline. Every good challenge has to have an end-date. Whether it’s a week-long Reboot or a 60-day juice journey, creating a deadline reminds you that any discomfort you may feel is only temporary.


Have Support. I know it can make us feel vulnerable to share our challenges to the outside world, but asking for help to stay on track is one of the best things we can do for ourselves! Our Reboot community is here for you. Don’t be afraid to ask!


Plan Ahead. This is huge! Pull out your calendar and decide when you are going to purchase your juicer or go to the Farmer’s market, look up your favorite reboot recipes. This helps keep the excuse of “I would have if ______” at bay.


Expect the Unexpected. Life happens. Creating backup plans and not scheduling ourselves down to the minute are vital to preserving our sanity. For example, mapping out the nearest juice bars to your office ahead of time so you know where to go when you lunch hour becomes a work date.


Above all, Take a Leap of Faith. Remember: You never know unless you TRY!