Cheri’s Thriving After Diabetes and Cancer

Cheri Munden had long struggled with poor eating and self-care habits. But it wasn’t until she saw “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead” that she realized how much more control she had over her health and life. Doing the Guided Reboot helped her understand how her body works and how to keep it healthy for life. Since completing the Reboot, she has her healthy glow back, and she no longer needs medications.*

Cheri Munden, Vancouver, WA


 My Results

  • I sleep soundly through the night
  • My skin and hair are moist and silky
  • I stopped using antacids for heartburn*
  • My blood sugar numbers are better*
  • I no longer take Metformin*
  • I am more physically activeI feel mentally sharper

I am 68 years old, and I have had a long life of trauma, poor living habits, and a reckless relationship with food. As a recovering addict and alcoholic, my obsessive/compulsive behaviors have taken their toll.

I have tried to improve my plight physically, mentally, and emotionally by changing my life in myriad ways. I ran the gamut of trying popular trends to desperate measures I thought might work.

My first wake-up call was cancer

I don’t think I was ever really committed to making permanent changes in my habits until I had breast cancer 6 years ago. I was very fortunate enough to have caught it in time to have it completely removed.  However, I didn’t rally from that experience very well.

It finally dawned on me that I was the one who had to make the difference in the kind of health I would experience going forward. I needed to take responsibility.

Health movies like Joe’s opened my eyes

Watching the documentaries “Forks Over Knives” and “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead” were the catalysts I needed to start transforming the way I was living.  My mind was opened to the facts that cannot be disputed. My food and lifestyle choices would have significant impacts on my future.

I tried to make changes and learn better eating patterns by myself. Finally, I decided I would do better with a support system in place. I finally chose to do the 60 Day Guided Reboot for Diabetes.

Progress over perfection

I was not the model of perfection in my Reboot group.  But, I can tell you I made progress that has lasted beyond the Reboot. I am sure I could not have accomplished on my own.

My sugar numbers leveled out and I no longer take Metformin.* While I didn’t lose significant weight, I did “trim up” if that makes sense. I have become stronger since the Reboot, which enables me to be a lot more active and flexible.

My friends and family continue making comments about my healthier glow. I sleep so much better than before I started my Reboot. My skin and hair have gone from itchy and dry to moist and silky. My nails are firmer, and I no longer use antacids for heartburn.


What I’d tell someone considering a Reboot

Overall, I learned a lot of things I just didn’t know before, and that’s coming from someone who always thinks she has all the answers!

In the webinars, I learned about processes the body goes through that I didn’t understand before. Making sense of it all was important to me if I was going to make permanent changes.

I took advantage of the one-on-one access to my coach, Rhaya, and I was so thankful to get her expert answers to my questions and her positive support throughout.  I also loved reading the other group members’ blogs.

For me the biggest changes have been mental and emotional. My mind became sharper, my priorities clearer, and in general, I have a greater feeling of peace.  So, my experience joining a Reboot was worth the time, effort and money. I am considering doing it again.