I Lost 105 Lbs and Feel Better Than I Did At 17*

Editor’s note: Dave, age 58, admits he was nearly dead until he watched Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. In his before picture, he was in too much pain to stand with the rest of his friends, but after introducing juice into his life for 10 days, he is now healthy and medication and pain free. Read his success story to find out how he lost 105 pounds. 



Name: Dave
Age: 58
Location: Eugene, Oregon

Type of Reboot/Number of Days:
Started with 10 day juice cleanse then followed a juice and vegan diet and I’m still at it

What Health Issues apply to you?
Autoimmune issues, Arthritis, Cancer, High Blood Pressure, IBS/Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Obesity

Did you Reboot to lose weight?

How did you learn about Reboot Your Life?       
My son Dusten gave me the DVD after he watched Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. He knew I was almost dead.

What inspired you to do a Reboot?        
I was truly almost dead!

How did the experience go for you?
Very good. It is a struggle but you have to love yourself enough to stick it out! But it is fun starting life over! Sometimes I feel better than when I was 17 years old!

How much weight did you lose (even if that wasn’t your goal!)?             
105 lbs (48 kg)

Did you have any notable health or physical improvements?
In my before picture, I was in too much pain to stand and now all symptoms have improved and I no longer have to go see a doctor or take any medications.

What was the toughest part about the Reboot experience?      
Trying to get others involved!

What habits have you maintained and kept a part of your everyday life?
I eat a mostly vegan diet and juice every day. I also started eating chicken and tuna twice a week. I love riding my bike.

What is your Lasting Impression of the Reboot experience?
Best way to go! I recommend it to all! But don’t look back! Change your habits!