Don’t Miss FSND on HLN Sunday, Dec. 29th

Mark your calendars! On Sunday December 29th, make a date with your loved ones to sit down and watch a special one hour version of Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead on CNN’s Headline News Network at 9PM EST.

During the airing, you can join me on twitter where I’ll be live tweeting from 9PM – 10PM EST answering your questions, listening to your comments and spreading holiday cheer! Tweet me at @JoetheJuicer using hashtag #FSND.

You can also encourage your friends and family to watch it with you by hosting a Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead viewing party! Serve your favorite juice and even make your favorite smart sweet (the Raw Chocolate Chip Cookies are a personal favorite!), and enjoy the one hour special together.  Make sure you share a picture of your viewing party on Facebook, Twitter (I promise to retweet your picture if you do!), and/or Instagram using hashtag #FSND so we can all share the experience together.

Mark your calendars, spread the word, and join me for a fun movie night. It will be exactly what you need to get inspired for a happy, healthy New Year’s.