Four Belts in One Year, From XXL to Medium

Name:  Christopher T.
Age: 30
Location: London, England
Reboot:  96 Days

What Health Issues apply to you?
High Blood Pressure, Migraines, Obesity

How did you learn about Reboot with Joe?
I was lying in bed one morning, too tired to get out of bed to play with my son, and was scrolling through Twitter. A tweet from my pal Ali caught my eye, as he’d lost an incredible amount of weight in just 7 days. He’d credited ’Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead’ as the inspiration behind his weight loss, so I checked it out expecting a 10 minute video. Of course it wasn’t, but by halfway through the documentary I’d pre-ordered my juicer. When I finished watching I got up, got dressed and went out to collect my juicer.

What inspired you to do a Reboot?
I’d become obese, horribly obese. About six months prior to starting my juice fast I gave away about 4 black bags worth of clothes that would never fit me again, as I’d become XXL-XXXL. I had been fighting a food addiction for all my life, but have only recently accepted that fact. My portion sizes were enormous – I’d think nothing of eating a large pizza to myself and would be hungry soon after. I was eating all the wrong things at all the wrong times and did no exercise to counteract my daily binging. I didn’t eat fruit and disliked vegetables, despite never trying them. I was about to become a father for the second time but that wasn’t motivation enough to combat my addiction.

How did the experience go for you?     
I started my Reboot the same day I watched ’Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead’ and bought my first juice moments after buying my juicer. I bought a cheap juicer, as I didn’t really know how long I would last on a fast. I told my girlfriend I’d do it for two weeks – she gave me a week before I quit. After the first day I lost 5lb/2 kg – there was no quitting after that. By day 3 I felt incredible! I remember putting a whole pack of spinach into a juice and feeling afterwards like I could run around the world. Just three days previously I couldn’t find the energy to get out of bed. That Popeye fella sure was onto something. After the first week people started taking note of what I was doing. A month later and people wanted in. I was inspiring others to start juicing. I wanted to do a ’Joe’ and fast for 60 days, but at the same time I wasn’t counting the days as I didn’t want it to slow me down. I realised I’d hit the 60 days on day 61 and I wasn’t ready to quit just yet. I fasted for 96 days and not only did it change my life it saved my life.

How much weight did you lose (even if that wasn’t your goal!)?
Weight loss wasn’t my main goal as what I wanted more than anything was to become healthy. After my 96 day fast I had lost 80 lbs/36 kg, going from an obese 299 lbs/136 kg to 219 lbs/99 kg.

I’ve had 4 different belts in less than a year, as my waist has gone all the way from XXL-Medium.

Did you have any notable health or physical improvements?
Everywhere I went I would sweat. I hated standing on a crowded train in winter with my coat in my hands whilst sweat was pouring off me. I’d look around to see if anyone else was hot, but they never were. For the first time in my life I feel the cold! I’m cold all the time now, as my body is still acclimatizing. I suffered with sleep apnea to the point my girlfriend thought I’d die in my sleep. Now I no longer snore.

What was the toughest part about the Reboot experience?
The toughest part of my experience was cooking for my family. I remember cooking Spaghetti Bolognese for my girlfriend and son in the first week of my fast. I then had to wait a while for the food to cool down before I could put the leftovers in the fridge. That was tough, but I loved the challenge. I thrived on different challenges throughout, from going to restaurants, barbecues, birthdays and a family holiday. I learnt a lot about portion sizes, the importance of vegetables and how to eat food without devouring.

What habits have you maintained and kept a part of your everyday life?
After a month of my juice fast I started running. For my first run I went as far as I possibly could, and then I ran back. I went 6 miles and laid on the floor for an hour afterwards! Not even 6 months after starting my fast on April 31st I started thinking about ways I could mark my 1 year anniversary of being healthy. On April 13th I will be running the London Marathon. I was too unfit to consider applying when the ballot was open, but secured a place through a charity very close to my heart. Details of my charity can be found at 

What is your lasting impression of the Reboot experience?
I strongly believe I would weigh much more than I did this time last year if it wasn’t for ’Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead’. It has helped me to combat my food addiction and I know I couldn’t return to my old habits. I’m excited to be running the marathon next month, but I’m more excited about the future as there’s no stopping me now!