
How to Keep the Weight Off For Good

Chances are if you lost weight during a Reboot you’d like to keep it off!  The internet and TV are filled with “the best” tips for weight loss promising you’ll be able to ditch your larger sized clothes forever.  Each person’s ideal, long term, healthy weight plan has many unique details and components and it’s helpful to stick with your goals when working with an expert coach, but if that’s not available to you here are some tried and true tips that can benefit just about everyone.

Top Five Keep-it-off Weight Loss Tips

1.) Stick to your new schedule. 
During your Reboot you were eating and drinking juice or smoothies throughout the day, about 4-6 times.  Keep up this frequent pattern to curb hunger and prevent skipping meals which can lead to overeating later on.

2.) Eat or drink fruits and veggies with each meal. 
This one may seem like a no-brainer after your Reboot but as time goes on being prepared and having fresh produce on hand can take a back burner to hectic schedules, deadlines and carpooling kids to activities.  Keeping up with fruits and veggies takes frequent shopping and prepping so don’t forget to schedule time for this important task.  Starting your day with a fresh juice or smoothie is a perfect way to continue this important healthy habit.  And don’t forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day too!

3.) Bring your lunch from home.  
You can take just about any meal and turn it into a more nutrient-dense and lower calorie option when you make it yourself.  Food from most restaurants has a lot more oil, other added fats, extra salt and sugar in much larger portions which can quickly lead to regaining weight lost.  By keeping control over this important mid-day meal you can assure that you’re sticking with your healthy eating goals and in turn keeping your weight from creeping back on.

4.) Accountability is key.  
The National Weight Control Registry cites this behavior as paramount for losing weight and keeping it off for the long term.  Being accountable for what you’re eating and drinking will help keep you on track and let you see your success with healthy choices.  Accountability can take many forms – traditional food journals, numerous apps that track what you eat with just a click or two, or even snapping a photo of your meal before you eat it to create a quick and easy photo library.

5.) Keep your supports on speed dial. 
During your Reboot you may have been supported by friends, family or co-workers.  This next phase of lifestyle change you will want to have help on hand for when it’s tough to stick with your new eating habits.

Reach out to us here in the Reboot community anytime you need some support, inspiration or to share your success!