Welcome to the Reboot Community

Would you like to connect with other people doing a Reboot or just getting started juicing and eating more fruits and veggies?  At Reboot, we’ve witnessed first-hand the power that an online community can have for a large group of people.

Get inspired!

Looking for a community of like-minded people to help Reboot your health and support your weight loss journey? Join Joe’s private Community on Facebook


Learn about healthy habits, juice recipes, plant based eating  and more on Joe’s Blog

Immune-Boosting, Anti-Inflammatory Grapefruit Juice

Enjoy a healthy dose of immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory nutrients at the start of your day by making this sweet juice.

The Hangover Juice

Help your body recover as soon as possible and get over that nagging headache.

A Sparkling New Year’s Juice

On New Year’s Eve, juice up a healthy cocktail base to mix with a splash of champagne or enjoy as is!

The ‘Digestion-Helper’ Juice

I love grapefruit and lemon in my morning juices!

No Fruit, No Problem Juice Recipe

This juice is as fresh as it gets with ingredients right from a local farmers' market and my own garden. It's also healthy, light and 100% vegetables.

A New Spin on a Winter Root Juice

A tasty juice nutrient-packed and loaded with fresh seasonal fall and winter produce.