Seasonal: Lemony Bulgur Wheat with Romanesco & Savoy Cabbage

I love lemon, so when I saw that this recipe called for lemon juice AND zest, I knew I would love it. 

The fresh flavor and smell brightens up pretty much every dish it’s in. And this was no exception– what could have been a bland version of bulgur and chickpeas became a bright, fresh and unique dish with the addition of lemon, olives and chopped dill.

In addition to my deepening admiration of lemons, I also discovered a new love: Romanesco, which is like a gorgeous, tender, flavorful, green cauliflower.  It is sturdy veggie that holds up well to a variety of cooking methods and spruced up the look and taste of this dish immeasurably. Note– it’s not always readily available and has a fairly short growing season, so when you see it, don’t pass it by!

Savoy cabbage, half head, chopped into ribbons
4-5 Romanesco florets, chopped into smaller pieces
1/2 cup pitted olives, green or kalamata
1 cup dill, chopped
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
1 can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1 cup bulgur wheat
2 cups water
1 Tbsp. grapeseed oil
Sea salt and pepper

1.) Boil water and add bulgur wheat, let simmer until water is absorbed and bulgur is tender. Add additional water if required.

2.) Meanwhile, add grapeseed oil to large pan and cook cabbage until lightly browned and tender (about 8-10 mins).

3.) Remove cabbage and place in large bowl. Using same pan, cook Romanesco (about 8 minutes).

4.) Add cooked bulgur, Romanesco and chickpeas to the cabbage.  Toss together with lemon juice, dill and chopped olives.

5.) Season with salt and pepper, as desired.
