Juicing Boosted My Stamina and Race Pace*

MaryAnne Motter Cullen was a physically-active mother of 9 kids, and grandmother to 6 grandkids. Despite racing in numerous triathlons and running races, her underactive thyroid was affecting her ability to lose the extra 15-20 pounds. Plus, her knees would ache and swell from training and events. After her Guided Reboot, she easily lost the weight and the aches, and boosted her energy and stamina.*



  • Lost 20 pounds*
  • Maintaining my weight loss
  • Reduced inflammation*
  • More stamina*
  • No more colds or illnesses*
  • Improved race pace

Why I Rebooted: To get off my weight loss plateau and support my thyroid

About 10 years ago, I had a lump in my thyroid, and I had half of it was removed. Thankfully, it was not cancer. But I am now on a thyroid replacement medication.

I am the mother of 9 kids, ages 19-38, and have 6 grandchildren. I have done several triathlons, and I have been very active with my daughters. But I was also on a weight loss plateau for several years.

Guided Reboot videos inspired me to take action

I saw about the Guided Reboot on Facebook. When I looked at the videos, I felt it was just the thing that would keep me on track and motivated. I especially like that it was geared to people with thyroid conditions. I wanted to learn about the special challenges of losing weight with thyroid conditions.

What I also like about Joe Cross is that he has admitted times when he slipped up and started gaining weight again. Most people in the spotlight don’t admit when things aren’t going as well as they could be for them. They feel like they need to maintain a certain image. But it was inspiring to see that slipping up can happen, and that it’s also possible to get back on track.

I finally broke through my plateau

I had been on a weight plateau for so long, and I felt like I could not break into a new number. When I finally broke into a new number, I felt that the juicing was really working to help me get control of my metabolism. On my first Guided Reboot, I lost about 10 pounds.*

I learned so much about what types of foods interfere with the thyroid. I also liked the idea of live webinars and having other group members share their experiences and challenges.

I chose to do more Guided Reboots for the support

After the thyroid Reboot, I felt I needed more support and a place to check in on a daily basis so I joined a 30-Day Guided Reboot. After that, I joined another 30-Day Reboot for people with sugar addiction. I didn’t feel I had a sugar addiction in a bad way. I just wanted to learn more about it and how to avoid it.

I learned a lot about inflammation and different foods that cause it. Now I know which foods to avoid so that my body doesn’t become too inflamed.

After my other Guided Reboots, I’ve lost and maintained a weight loss of between 15 and 20 pounds total.*

My energy is high and my race pace is faster

I didn’t realize how the extra weight and inflammation was affecting my athletic performance until after I did my Guided Reboot.

I had been doing 5K races and sprint triathlons with my daughters. I was running about a 14-minute mile during races. I noticed that sometimes when I was running long distance that my knees would ache and swell up from running. It would take a while for me to recover.

After Rebooting, I did a race with my daughters and noticed that my time was much faster. I shaved about 45 minutes off my race time.

My latest achievement—in March 2017, I ran a 4-mile race in just 44 minutes. My new race pace has decreased to just 11 minutes per mile!

Now that I have more energy, I’m going to train for a full-length triathlon—those are double the distance of the sprint triathlon events that I was doing.

I stick with what I learned, even when I’m traveling

Since completing my Guided Reboot programs, I have continued to eat a plant-based diet with added protein.

I was recently traveling recently overseas in Kenya and the UAE. I tried to stick with fruits and vegetables as best as I could while I was traveling. I was surprised that I could often find fresh fruit and vegetable juices either at my hotel or nearby juice bars.

My energy and stamina are much higher after Rebooting

It takes a lot of stamina to travel for 6 weeks at a time overseas. But when I came back from my recent trip, I felt fine. Traveling didn’t wear on me the same way. I have a lot more energy in general.

My immune system is stronger, too. I notice a lot of people getting sick with colds and flu and I can’t remember the last time I needed medication for anything or had to go to the doctor.

Now I eat and love a wide variety of vegetables

The most surprising result was that I learned to like so many new vegetables, some that I did not even know existed. For example, sweet potato fries became a favorite. However, I also learned how to make parsnip fries.

I tried to find a new fruit or vegetable ever week at the store or farmers market. I especially came to like jicama, which I had never tried in my life. I was also surprised how much I love roasted vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. In addition, I found some of the juice combinations very tasty.

What shifted for me: every day is a gift

I’m watching people I know who are going through chemotherapy and dealing with cancer. I look at every day as a gift. I know that my health is important and I value it. When I’m training for a race or a triathlon, it can be hard. You don’t always want to get in the water and swim the laps. But then I realize what a gift it is to have the good health that I have.

What I would tell someone who was thinking about trying a Guided Reboot

I would suggest going into it with an open mind. I have heard many negatives from people who judge Rebooting without really giving it a chance.

You have to make the program a priority. It is not a “quick fix”. Yes, it takes time to follow the recipes and make the juices and buy the right foods.

However, if you REALLY want to change your life and make positive changes, you MUST be willing to put in the time and effort and take it seriously. You can’t just try it for three days and then go back to your old ways of eating.

You need to see Rebooting as a complete lifestyle change. Go into the program with a sense of excitement and be positive. In that way, you will be successful!