Vibrant Pomegranate Raspberry Smoothie

Pomegranates and raspberries contain a wealth of nutrients, the antioxidant content is off the charts! Pomegranates offer a range of potent anti-inflammatory actions as well as reducing the risk of some types of cancers, helps reduce cholesterol and may help weight management. While raspberries contain two particular nutrients that researchers have been getting excited about that may reduce obesity by increasing the cell metabolism of fat cells. These compounds are called raspberry ketones (also called rheosmin) and a type of flavonoid called tiliroside. The green banana is there to boost your intake of resistant starch. Enjoy!



  • ½ pomegranate
  • ½ cup  (55 g) raspberries
  • 1 green (unripe) banana (excellent resistant starch)
  • 1 cup (250 ml) coconut water
  • 1 handful of ice


  1. Follow this easy 3-step, no-mess process from the Pomegranate Council, to show you how to de-seed a pomegranate easily.
  2. Wash all produce.
  3. Add all ingredients into the blender and blend until smooth.

Servings: 1

Serving Size: 16 - 18 oz (500 ml)


  • Pomegranate – red currants, blueberries, plums, blackberries
  • Raspberries – red currants, cherries, blackberries, blueberries
  • Green Banana – yellow banana, avocado
  • Coconut water – water, coconut milk, nut milk