Reboot For Lent


This is a big week for making healthy changes. Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday have just passed and now it is Lent. For the next 40 days, many people choose to observe their faith by giving up unhealthy habits and adopting healthier behaviors between now and Easter. Even if you are not religious or do not observe Lent, this time of year is a wonderful opportunity for change. Spring is just around the corner in many parts of the world; what a perfect time to embrace change together and support each other.


A 40 day juice fast or adopting a Vegan diet may be great for some people, however there are many amazing options within the plant-based world for reconnecting with your body as a temple, and for being good to ourselves and the environment.


Here are a few ideas:

  • 40 day juice fast (with doctor’s approval). See our Classic Reboot for ideas and sample menus. Days 6-10 are examples of just juice. Strive for 4-6 juices per day that are 16-20 oz (500-600 mL) each and at least 64 oz of water (2L)
  • 40 day Reboot with juicing + eating veggies (like salads, soups, fruits, smoothies) – see our Quick Start Reboot for ideas and sample menus.
  • 3, 5, 10 or 15 day Reboot followed by juicing + eating plant-based foods until Easter.
  • 40 days of juicing + eating plant-based foods. With this option you can juice, eat lots of veggies and also include plant based proteins and grains like lentils, almonds and quinoa.



Here are some guidelines:


It is easy to get caught up in what we are giving up when making healthy changes or observing Lent. The beauty of a Reboot for Lent is that while you are indeed giving up many things like caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, sugar, baked goods, fried foods you are including and gaining SO many incredible nutrients that can promote wellness. This focus on the inclusion of something positive rather than the exclusion of something negative can help to keep you on the path you have committed to. Remembering and journaling about your reasons for adopting a Reboot for Lent, and how this process connects you to your spirituality can also be empowering, inspirational and soothing when you feel tempted to stray.


Warm regards,