Tweet Tweet! Ask #RebootNutrition Anything

Thanks everyone for such a great Facebook chat this past Sunday. There were many great questions about Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2 so I hope your questions were answered and you have enjoyed watching the film! During the chat, we also received tons of nutrition questions about specific health conditions and Rebooting, and I like to leave those to our Reboot nutritionists. They are the experts when it comes to the medical stuff.

To bring you more support during the start of 2015 and to get those questions answered (since I know this time of year many of you are Rebooting, and good on you), our Reboot nutritionists are here to provide answers.

Beginning tonight at 8PM EST, you can join our new Twitter Chat every Thursday throughout January. During this hour, one of our Reboot Nutritionists will be answering your questions. You can ask anything about Rebooting, your health and medical questions – just log into your twitter account and use #RebootNutrition to ask and follow along.

What: Twitter Chat to Ask Reboot Nutritionists Your Health Questions
Date: Every Thursday in January
Time: 8PM – 9PM EST

Join by logging into twitter and using #RebootNutrition.