One-on-One with Reboot’s Nutritionist and Thyroid Expert

Hundreds of people have discovered the transformative power of the 60-Day Guided Reboot for Thyroid. This reboot helps people with thyroid conditions get their bodies back into balance and make lifestyle changes that can assist in improving overall wellness, plus certain thyroid-related issues such as excess weight. We spoke with nutritionist Claire Georgiou, an expert on thyroid conditions, about what the Guided Reboot for Thyroid can do for people with an underactive thyroid, hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s Disease. If you’re interested in what you see, consider signing up for our upcoming 60-Day Guided Reboot for Thyroid.

Q: Claire, how much of an impact do you believe juicing can have on someone’s thyroid health?

Juicing can have a very strong positive impact on thyroid health. Here’s why: Juicing allows many micronutrients to be ingested, which has a profound impact on all things thyroid, including improved energy, mental cognition, skin complexion, digestion, weight loss and reduced inflammation. Most of all, it has a very positive impact on immune health, which is the root cause behind Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that’s stimulated by inflammation and a disordered immune system.

Q: How does this Guided Reboot benefit people with hypothyroid or Hashimoto’s?

The 60-Day Thyroid Plan allows for real change, with educational webinars on the effect of food and other environmental influences on thyroid health and recipes that are specially geared toward improving thyroid and immune health. Since thyroid disease is autoimmune in nature, this plan gives it enough time to really implement health changes. Blood test changes can result in a reduction in thyroid antibodies, and improved thyroid hormone production and utilization along with thyroid symptom improvements and generally feeling better.

Q: What would you say to someone who is concerned about the amount of kale and other cruciferous vegetables in juices?

This plan does not include cruciferous vegetable in juices to avoid the possibility of ingesting an excess concentration of goitrogens. We do include some cooked cruciferous vegetables for their important health promoting benefits—cooking these vegetables helps to reduce the natural occurring goitrogen levels.

Q: What are the most common and notable improvements you’ve seen from participants?

During reboots, I’ve observed improved energy levels, improved mental clarity, weight loss, less aches and pains and a happier and calmer mood. After the reboot is completed, I also often see great improvements on blood test results. Recently, I was thrilled when a past thyroid rebooter emailed that her Hashimoto’s had gone into remission.

Q: If there’s one thing you could say to someone interested in this program with a thyroid condition, what would it be?

It is well worth it! The Reboot program can be life changing—it’s truly a positive experience. Living in a constant state of fatigue and poor health is simply not the way your life has to be. All too often I see people who believe since they are medicated and their blood levels have been ticked off as normal, this is the best they can feel, and that’s simply not true. With true health changes via diet and lifestyle, you can feel energized and recapture the health you deserve.

If you’re interested in Rebooting with the support of a Reboot Nutritionist and fellow Rebooters, learn more about our Guided Reboot and sign up today.