By Stacy Kennedy, MPH, RD, CSO, LDN; Reboot Nutritionist
This juice offers a rush of antioxidants and other potent phytonutrients that can energize and flood your system with health promoting properties. The rich red color in these vibrant fruits and veggies signals a wealth of nutrition tucked inside of a deliciously balanced sweet juice.
For those who don’t love the flavor of beets in their juice, give this one a try! I promise the beet flavor is not prominent (it was the first beet juice rated highly by all of my “test subjects” at home!).
Lycopene, found in watermelon and tomatoes, is a well known member of the carotene family (like its orange relative, beta-carotene, found in carrots). Lycopene has been touted for its ability to help prevent prostate cancer. The strawberries boast Vitamin C and ellagic acid, which may reduce the risk for developing esophageal cancer and keep tumors from being able to create their own blood supply lifeline (called anti-angiogenesis). Cherries are rich in antioxidants, Vitamin C, anthocyanins and phenols plus flavanoid compounds like quercitin which also pack a protective punch for your heart. Cherries even contain melatonin, a hormone that helps us with sleep.
Servings: 1
Serving Size: 16 oz (500 ml)