Red, White & Blueberry Ice Cubes

One of our favorite tasty and healthy ways to naturally flavor beverages here at Reboot is to add fruit. So this Fourth of July try this cool and healthy patriotic recipe to add flavor to your favorite drinks.

This recipe is easy to make and adds natural flavor to water, seltzer, and even cocktails! The berries in this recipe are packed with antioxidants, fiber and vitamin C; and the best part; when the ice cubes melt you’re left with sweet and natural treat floating in your drink.

To mix it up you can add different fruits like mango, limes, lemons, even bananas for a more tropical flavor.


  • 1 ice tray
  • 12 raspberries
  • 36 blueberries
  • water


  1. Wash the fruit in a colander.
  2. Place 1 raspberry and 3 blueberries in each tray square.
  3.  Fill the tray with water.
  4. Freeze for 2- 2 1/2 hours (depending on your freezer temperature).
  5. When the cubes are frozen, remove from tray, add 3 frozen cubes to your favorite drink; then serve and enjoy!

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 2 hours, 30 minutes

Servings: 12

Serving Size: 3 ice cubes

Calories: 5

Fat: 0g

Trans Fat: 0g

Cholesterol: 0mg

Sodium: 0mg

Carbohydrates: 1g

Fiber: 0g

Sugars: 1g

Protein: 0g