Smart Sweet: Creamy Chocolate Pudding (Vegan & Gluten-Free)

We all love to fulfill our sweet tooth but so often heavily processed treats that line the grocery store shelves are high in fat and sugar and do little for us nutritionally.  This got me thinking how to re-create a healthy sweet treat that not only looks part of a delicious dessert (rich, creamy, indulgent), but also tastes good with added nutritional benefits!

Instead of syrups and frosting, reach for a ripe avocado, banana, and unsweetened almond milk to make this melt in your mouth dessert pudding!  Avocado’s impressive heart protective health benefits from its high source of fiber, essential fatty acids and antioxidants such as vitamin A, C, and E make this a star!  This recipe is so easy to make and really tastes delicious!

Serve in layers for more of an upscale dessert look!  Store in mason jars in the freezer for a treat tomorrow.


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 banana (the riper, the sweeter taste)
  • 10 oz vanilla unsweetened almond milk
  • 1-2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1 large handful of ice
  • 3 dates (pitted, optional)
  • 3/4  cup cacao powder
  • dark cocoa nibs (optional)


  1. Add peeled avocado, banana, almond milk, vanilla and salt to a high-powered blender.  Add dates for optional sweetness. Blend until very smooth and creamy.
  2. Add ice and blend again until all ingredients are fully incorporated – color should be light green.  Reserve part of the mix if you would like a layered effect of your final pudding product.
  3. Add cacao powder and continue to blend until smooth.
  4. Start to layer in a clear glass starting with the reserved green mix, then chocolate mix or just add all together!  Top with a dusting of cacao nibs or dark chocolate morsels.
  5. Enjoy your creamy sweet treat tonight but don’t forget that this makes 4 servings.   Save part of the mix for post- workout or a tasty treat this weekend!