Some Like It Green Juice – Recipe Of The Week

The recipe this week is not for the faint of heart – this juice is strictly green and will not be the one to satisfy your sweet tooth. However, what it will do is give you a super-charge of nutrients from loads of leafy greens, and will also keep you hydrated with the addition of cucumber.

Truth: It took me awhile to work up to this recipe; I used to always add an apple (or at least a lemon!) to my green juice, but since I gained the courage to dive into the “All Greens,” it has become one of my favorites. Drinking it fills me with energy and really puts me in the healthy mindset.

Why not give it a go – let us know what you think!


  • 1 Cucumber
  • 4-6 Celery Stalks
  • 3-4 Big Handfuls of any Leafy Green (like Kale, Chard/Silverbeet, Collards, Romaine, Spinach)


  1. Wash all produce well.
  2. Juice ingredients.
  3. Serve and enjoy.

Servings: 1

Serving Size: 16 - 18 oz (500 ml)