By Success Stories
Name: Patrick C.
Age: 61
Location: South Beloit, IL
Type of Reboot/Number of Days: Juice Fast (60 days)(30 days)(two 14 days)
What Health Issues apply to you? Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Obesity and they’ve all improved immensely
What inspired you to do a Reboot?
Mostly family urging me to do something but after seeing Joe and Phil Staples and their progress I bought a juicer and decided to try it myself. The juicer turned out to be worth its weight in gold! It’s a shame no one else who knows me does not feel the same way as in “that’s really great but that’s not for me.”
How did the experience go for you?
Today I have a whole new lifestyle with a lot of bike rides and a lot of fruit and vegetables. I never would have believed this to be true in the first half of 2011.
How much weight did you lose (even if that wasn’t your goal!)?
Weight at the beginning of July, 2011 was 360 pounds; BMI was 41.6 (I am 6’6”)
Weight on October 21, 2011 was 337 pounds; BMI was 38.9
Weight on December 22, 2011 was 270 pounds; BMI was 31.2
Weight on March 1, 2012 was 252 pounds; BMI was 29.1
Weight on March 28, 2012 was 238 pounds; BMI of 27.5
Weight on June 30, 2012 was 226 pounds; BMI of 26.1
Weight on July 16, 2012 was 220.2 pounds; BMI of 25.4
Waist size on July 2011 was 52 inches
Waist size today is 38 inches and at 217 pounds.
Total weight loss of 143 pounds!
Did you have any notable health or physical improvements?
Even though I am still on insulin after losing 143 pounds I no longer need any medication for cholesterol or high blood pressure. Both have returned to normal plus my feet improved. I seem to need less sleep as well.
What was the toughest part about the Reboot experience?
Other than feeling hunger once in a while I had a problem growing to like kale. In fact, I’m still not that crazy about it so I rely much on spinach instead. Maybe I’ll try collards!
What habits have you maintained and kept a part of your everyday life?
I do my own cooking and juicing as opposed to my wife’s cooking which got me where I was in the first place.
What is your lasting impression of the Reboot experience?
I used to dread looking in a mirror or getting on a scale because it brought me instant shame. Today I do both regularly to be sure I never see that obese person ever again.