Reboot Profiles

New Palate, New Plate, New Life

Juicing has rebooted my taste buds, making me crave salads, raw vegetables, cutting back meat, alcohol, coffee consumption, etc.

A Spiritual, Mental & Physical Reboot

"This experience has filled me with life in more ways than one could imagine. I found myself with such clarity in my spiritual and physical life. I could feel my body healing and rejoicing in the living juices."

“I was poisoned with medication!”

"I was depressed and the medication I was taking made me gain so much weight." Read Jeannette's full story of transformation.

Heather Loses 162 Lbs. Rebooting and Can Now Easily Bend Over to Put Her Socks On

I don’t wake up coughing at night anymore. I can jump, run and jog! My skin glows, my eyes are clear, and my hair is softer.

After Surviving A Heart Attack, Thomas Juiced For 170 Days to Regain His Health

The experience of dying at 58 years old accompanied by thoughts of never seeing my sons again, not completing my unfinished plans and promises...

How I Gained Nothing but Confidence & Energy and Lost Nothing but Weight

Read Michael's full story of how he improved his medical conditions and now has the blood pressure of an athlete.

Sick of His Nickname, “Meaty”, Michael Rebooted for 60 Days & is Now Called “Juice”

I was tired of my nickname, Meaty, and everyone calling me fat or poking jokes about my weight and assuming I was lazy because I was overweight.

At 50, Kathy & Jack Feel Happier and Healthier Than in Their 20’s

Our kids pushed us to watch FSND, so we did and never looked back. Our Reboot rebooted our brains (literally) and now we crave veggies and healthy foods.

Renee & Gaetano Go off Blood Pressure Meds & Lose a Combined 158 Lbs.

"After carrying extra weight for nearly 20 years, we decided we needed to make a change for good."