weight loss recipe

Green Superfood Smoothie

Combine the best of fruit, veggies, superfoods and creamy non-dairy milk in this green superfood smoothie (you won't believe one of the veggies used that makes this so tasty!). Enjoy!

Pears & Carrots: A New Favorite Juice Recipe

Nope, not peas and carrots, pears and carrots! This juice is delicious and has a wonderful tangy and licorice-like taste from the fennel bulb.

Immune-Boosting, Anti-Inflammatory Grapefruit Juice

Enjoy a healthy dose of immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory nutrients at the start of your day by making this sweet juice.

A Sparkling New Year’s Juice

On New Year’s Eve, juice up a healthy cocktail base to mix with a splash of champagne or enjoy as is!

No Fruit, No Problem Juice Recipe

This juice is as fresh as it gets with ingredients right from a local farmers' market and my own garden. It's also healthy, light and 100% vegetables.

A New Spin on a Winter Root Juice

A tasty juice nutrient-packed and loaded with fresh seasonal fall and winter produce.

Hot V6 Juice

If I’m going to have a juice in the evening it needs to be savory -- high in vegetables with a tomato soup taste! So since this is the juice I love to enjoy at night, I want to share it with you.

‘Beet’ the Heat Juice

When your workout makes you extra sweaty, drink this juice to recover.

Sweet Stinging Nettle Juice

The stinging nettle herb in this juice offers specialized medicinal actions. Need we say more?