The Fastest Way to Clean Your Juicer

Is taking the time to clean your juicer preventing you from making a fresh juice?  Do you struggle with the time it takes to clean up?  Let’s make this process seamless, easy, and quick so that you’re more likely to get those vital micronutrients. I’m giving you the fastest, most efficient way to get in and get out!

Use these 6 tips to clean up after your juicing process.

  1. Start & end with a clean surface.
    Place a paper towel under the juicer chute so it doesn’t get on the counter.  I like using a large kitchen towel under the entire juicer (including the chute, machine, and pulp container), to prevent any scraps from reaching the table.
  1. Give yourself less work.
    Line your juice pulp collector with a plastic bag. You can also use a biodegradable bag like this one. If you plan to save your pulp, use a gallon sized freezer bag, and store in the freezer for a smoothie or your next veggie soup.
  1. Have your drying rack set.
    Have a drying rack or drying mat set out before you start juicing. Once you’re done juicing, you’ll immediately wash, rinse, and set to dry.
  1. Wash immediately. Use mild soap and water to rinse.  Either use a soft cloth to wash clean or pop it in the dishwasher to run.  Most juicers are dishwasher safe except for their motor, just be sure to rinse your pieces first to remove any wet pulp.
  1. Soak your filter.
    Soak your filter basket in hot soapy water for about 5-10 minutes immediately after juicing.  If pulp is left to dry, it can clog the fine pores and lessen the effectiveness of your juicer (leading you to have to buy a replacement filter).  If the fine pores still look blocked, soak for another 5-10 minutes in warm water with a squeeze of lemon.  Finish by using a cleaning brush followed by rinsing and setting to dry.
  1. Seal and store. Have your storage containers or mason jars set out on the table ready to fill up before you start juicing. That way all you need to do is fill, seal, and store.  Remember, you can store your juice up to 48 hours (using these proper storing tips), so make the most of your time with your juicer.

Let’s streamline this process and make you a lean, mean, juice-cleaning machine!