Tiffany Runs Her First 5K and Loses 40 Pounds – Reboot Profile


Name – Tiffany M.
Reboot – 10 Days of Juice, Followed by Plant-Based Diet

I watched “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead,” the next day I went out and bought a juicer and began my journey. After just three months, my life was already completely different.

Before the Reboot, I ate approximately 30% vegetables and 70% dairy, meat, breads and sugar. I was very unhealthy. Now, I eat 90% vegetables, with some rice, beans and tofu. It all began with a ten day juice fast. That fast was one of the most challenging things I have ever done, but also the most rewarding. I felt the energy seeping back into my body with every juice I drank. After the fast, and still today, I am on a vegan diet. I now have no desire to eat those unhealthy foods. I was addicted to unhealthy sugars, fat and caffine, and it feels amazing to have broken that addiction. I still drink one or two juices per day. And I credit the power of the juice with my ability to fight off cravings.

Even more amazing has been the physical transformation. When I began, I could only run 1/2 block. That is not even 1/10th of a mile! Now, I have finished my first 5K and met my goal by running the whole thing and not walking! I have also lost 40 pounds.

My skin glows from the juice! And the best part? I know I can continue this journey until I reach my goal. And for the first time in my life, I know that goal will be achieved. My five year old daughter is so proud of me and she loves to drink the juice and exercise with me. Thank you so much Joe!

Juice on!!!

**UPDATE: Tiffany has now lost 60 pounds and is running up to 7 miles at a time!**