“I was poisoned with medication!”

Name:  Jeannette Sanchez
Age: 43
Location: Caracas, Venezuela
Reboot: 50

What Health Issues apply to you?
High Cholesterol, Migraines, Obesity, PMS

How did you learn about Reboot with Joe?        
I made a drastic change in my diet. I learned how to eat consciously.

What inspired you to do a Reboot?        
I was depressed and the medication I was taking made me gain so much weight. I was poisoned with medication! I was crazy looking for the solution. I went through several diets to lose weight without results. I did not understand what was happening, then my endocrine told me that I was intoxicated by drugs for depression and that it was a matter of time, she told me not to do diets, so I must wait. I commented to a friend and he told me about FSND.

How did the experience go for you?
The experience of becoming obese was terrible. I was never so fat, overweight made me sick, cholesterol, triglycerides got out of control and I suffered many ailments and disorders as well. A few days of having started the Reboot I realized quickly that I was full of energy, which helped me to walk more and faster, the results were clear and I started to feel better.

How much weight did you lose (even if that wasn’t your goal!)?
I lost 39 pounds/18 kg during my Reboot and have since lost a total of 86 pounds/39 kg.

Did you have any notable health or physical improvements?
Yes. After 50 days of Rebooting I did blood tests. This was surprising because everything that was altered (cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.) had normalized. That was amazing, I had healed in 50 days! In addition, all my life I had suffered terrible migraines and PMS and now that is history. I began to feel clean on the inside, and I lost weight as a result of the cleaning.

What was the toughest part about the Reboot experience?
The toughest part is the social life. When I was doing my juice fast, my friends asked me a lot, incredulous, they thought I was crazy and made an attempt on my health, people tend to judge without knowing. They stop inviting me because it was uncomfortable for them not eating or drinking alcoholic beverages.

What habits have you maintained and kept a part of your everyday life?
I became raw vegan just after finishing the Reboot. My body started to experience different ways to feed. Fruits and vegetables were good enough to feel good. That’s how I learned to listen and understand my new body needs. I started the Reboot in January 2013, and now, in March 2014 I have lost 86 pounds/39 kg (200 to 114) and I am completely healthy and full of energy.

What is your lasting impression of the Reboot experience?
The Reboot is the best decision I have ever made. My whole life changed just having different eating habits. Not only I became healthy but also it helped me to look like I used to be. It is amazing how your health can improve when you modify your eating habits. Since then, I really enjoy my delicious green juice every day. In addition to that I have helped lot of people to cure themselves. Feeling wonderful and grateful for all the things I changed in my life!