Where in the UK Can I Find A Green Juice?

Where can I find a green juice?! I’m asked that question here in the UK almost on a daily basis from my friends and colleagues, and I love answering it. Because the good news is there are many more options than there used to be.  That means the wellness world is changing.  And I’m so excited.

London used to feel way behind when it came to juicing.  Especially coming from New York or LA.  Every so often, if you tried really hard, you could find a little juice bar with a couple of green options to throw in with some fruit.   But now, heading to an early meeting or after dropping off your kids at school, the choices are not nearly as limited. Wellness Warriors are beginning to take London by storm!

Joe is one of them! He is spending the rest of this week in the UK finishing up his UK book tour event, and while he’s been here he’s been on the hunt for juices. I shared with him some of my favourite places.

My favourite way to drink my greens is by stopping into Bumpkin (Notting Hill, South Kensington and Chelsea locations pretty much cover the majority of my week day territory!). They are now offering a range of delicious hydraulic, cold pressed juices, salads and soups.  I love that I have a place to go when I’ve run out of quinoa and vegetable soup a home!  At Bumpkin, they now have an alkalising braised celery, lentil, wild mushroom salad and chestnut salad.  Plant based goodness!  My go-to juice there is a Lean Green Machine.  This recipe, is packed with kale, broccoli, watercress, apple, lemon, lime, spirulina and ginger.

Another favourite is to pick up a juice at Grab and Go at Planet Organic  or Daylesford Organic. And don’t forget about Plenish juices. My favourite juice there is the Sweet Sexy Green.  If you’re feeling ambitious, while you’re at Planet Organic, you can pick up a Sage juicer to start creating your own recipes. Joe was actually at Planet Organic today. You can check him out speaking to the crowd here:

If you’re in other locations in the UK, keep an eye out for Crussh and Pret a Manger. Both are now offering cold pressed juices! Good Life Eatery is another great place to drink your greens.

Joe also stopped in the Wild Wood Café in London where he was sipping on his Mean Green.

And more exciting news to share with you about Joe…I can confirm that Joe himself has partnered with restaurateur Will Ricker to open a juice bar – the Juice Well. Look for it in May as the place to get your greens.

If you’re in the UK, where do you get your juices? Please share!